Melinda Gladden, a long-time former member, has returned to the Rotary Club of Bedford.
After a four-year absence, Melinda returned to being a Bedford Rotarian at the club’s monthly First Tuesday Meeting. August’s evening semi-social, semi-business get-together of members and guests was at The Great Wall restaurant in Bedford.
Rotary 2024-25 Club Co-Presidents Al Roscoe and Ralph Hammond officiated Melinda’s induction as an audience of 17 attending club members looked on.
Photo by Christine Pinney: Ralph, Melinda and Al
Our story starts on April 19, 1775 with the battle of Concord. And meanders through the centuries until July 23, 2024.
Following the battle of Concord (also known as the Battle of the Old North Bridge), not much was done to commemorate the battle until 1825 when $500 was appropriated as a commission to commemorate it. Danial Chester French, who lived in Concord, wound up with the commission and after numerous and confusing changes the final monument was unveiled in 1875. The statue itself is constructed of bronze (it was originally supposed to be stone but the Federal Government gave the town 10 Civil War Cannons – rumor has it they may have been Confederate cannons – because the town of Concord could not afford to buy the bronze to make the statues casting and the monument was completed.
Bedford, MA 01730
United States of America