Rotary Club of Bedford’s Global Grant proposal (GG2458065 Rainwater Catchment Tanks for Schools in Kambiri, Kenya) continues to make major progress recently. In the last two weeks: 1) the District 9212 leadership has approved the project; 2) District Rotary Foundation Chair Protus Lumiti authorized the GG application; 3) GG2458065 was submitted to The Rotary Foundation for review; 4) The Rotary Foundation has rapidly reviewed the proposal and sent the GG team a list of clarification questions; and the Kenya GG team (representatives of RC Maseno, RC Kakamega, Maseno University Rotaract Club and Friendly Waters for the World met in Kambiri to see first-hand examples of a recently constructed water tank, an interlocking brink wall and manufactured soap.
The generosity of the Bedford community highlighted the Rotary Club of Bedford’s “Election Collection” during voting Tuesday. Donations of an estimated $2,000 worth of personal care items were collected for the Middlesex Community College food pantries in Bedford and Lowell. It was the club’s third election-day collection in support of MCC.
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United States of America