We are about 2/3 through our fiscal year and we have distributed about 2/3 of our annual giving budget! If you know of a community organization who is fundraising or in need of support, please encourage them to fill out an application for a grant through our foundation. The application is attached to this email and can also be downloaded from the side menu on our website https://bedfordmarotary.org/sitepage/bedford-rotary-foundation. Grant recipients so far this year include:
- Bedford TV
- Eagle Scout Project- Alex Mattson
- Child Welfare and Development Project in Sierra Leone
- Annual contribution to First Church
- Project Clubfoot
- Meals of Hope Meal Packaging
- Mental Health District Grant
- Pints for Polio
- Friendly Water for the World Global Grant
- Moving Health Global Grant
- BHS Addams Family Musical
- DECA Club at BHS