The Bedford Chamber of Commerce sponsored their annual Trunk of Treat event in the Whole Foods parking lot last Friday. We had plenty of wrapped candy for the sweet tooth’s in the crowd. The kids were all decked out in a variety of costumes and eagerly scooped up on the sweet offerings. We also had a pair of “full sized Bees” from our club in the mix. We handed out 400 Milk Weed seed packages which, if planted and nurtured, will produce some beautiful flowers for the real Bees next summer. The kids were delighted to get them and left with some grand ideas of how to go about turning their seeds into plants and enough sugar to drive their parents nuts.
We also seized on the opportunity to tell everyone about the progress we are making on our pollinator garden at memorial park. Everyone was invited to take a stroll by the minuteman statue at the park and see the garden all tucked away for a long winter’s nap.