(4.10.21) The morning was unusually warm for April when, under a blazing sun, a stalwart band of Bedford Rotarians put Service Above Self as they devoted several hours of time to spring cleanup labor at Bedford's historic Job Lane House.
Under the guidance of Jeanette Pothier, key JLH mover and shaker, and working alongside Friends of the Job Lane House, Bridget Clayton, Roy Kring, and John Linz, weeds were pulled, leaves were raked, and fallen branches were cleared from the grounds around the house.
The goal of this annual spring sprucing up was to clear tall grass and brush to better expose the stone walls and make it easier for the Town to mow close to the walls. The Job Lane House is owned by the Town of Bedford and managed by the Bedford Historic Preservation Commission, and the Friends of the Job Lane House. The original house was built in 1713 by Job Lane (the 3rd) on land acquired by his ancestor, Job Lane (the 1st) in 1664.
This was another of many examples of the ongoing close relationship between Bedford Rotary and the Job Lane House that was forged many years ago through the auspices of Rotarian Nat Brown's family.