Melinda Gladden, a long-time former member, has returned to the Rotary Club of Bedford.
After a four-year absence, Melinda returned to being a Bedford Rotarian at the club’s monthly First Tuesday Meeting. August’s evening semi-social, semi-business get-together of members and guests was at The Great Wall restaurant in Bedford.
Rotary 2024-25 Club Co-Presidents Al Roscoe and Ralph Hammond officiated Melinda’s induction as an audience of 17 attending club members looked on.
Photo by Christine Pinney: Ralph, Melinda and Al
Melinda’s return to the Rotary Club of Bedford brings her back to the root of her Rotarian life. She joined the Club in 2008. Soon thereafter, teaming up with Christine Pinney, she co-chaired Rotary’s former annual Breakfast With Santa and tripled the event’s gross fundraising over the next decade.
She also served as the club’s Assistant Treasurer from 2012 to 2019, was club secretary for a stint, and was a Student Exchange Counselor. She’s also a distinguished Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian and a Major Donor.
Melinda is now Vice President and Branch Manager for Middlesex Savings Bank, a post she assumed when she transferred from Bedford to the Concord branch in 2020. Subsequently, Bedford branch management responsibilities returned to her workload, bringing her familiar face back to Bedford on a regular basis…and Bedford Rotarians couldn’t be happier.
Welcome Back, Melinda!