The Rotary Club of Bedford recently celebrated an inspiring moment in its ongoing mission to foster peace and goodwill by recognizing dedicated members with the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow designation. Past District Governor Ralph Hammond took the stage to honor two club members, Al Roscoe and Diane Ryan, for their contributions to The Rotary Foundation and their steadfast service to the Rotary Club of Bedford.  

The Paul Harris Fellow recognition, named in honor of Rotary International's founder, Paul Harris, is bestowed upon individuals whose support for The Rotary Foundation aids in advancing humanitarian efforts worldwide. Since Rotary’s inception in 1905, this recognition has become a symbol of commitment to improving lives, promoting peace, and fostering global goodwill. 

Addressing the room, Ralph Hammond invited Al and Diane to stand beside him. He emphasized the importance of their contributions, stating, “We move closer to a world of peace and goodwill today as Al and Diane become Paul Harris Fellows. Their gift to The Rotary Foundation’s educational and humanitarian programs is a commitment to peace and to a better life for people across the world.” Ralph then presented Al and Diane with the distinctive Paul Harris Fellow pins, acknowledging their invaluable role in advancing Rotary’s global mission. 
As the ceremony continued, Rotary Club President Al Roscoe took the stage to present additional Paul Harris recognitions, calling members Paula, Bob, Christine, and Tom forward. These members, thanks to an anonymous donor, were elevated to the distinguished Paul Harris Fellow +5 status, an honor denoted by a pin adorned with five sapphires. This level of recognition celebrates members whose dedication and support have reached extraordinary heights, making possible the far-reaching work of The Rotary Foundation. President Al shared, “It is because of gifts like yours that The Rotary Foundation can carry out an array of programs, achieving impactful changes in our world: improved living conditions, increased food production, better education, access to fresh water, and brighter hopes for peace.”

This recognition underscores the Rotary Club of Bedford’s commitment to meaningful change through humanitarian projects and contributions to The Rotary Foundation. The club takes great pride in its members’ efforts to embody Rotary’s ideals of service, goodwill, and peace, setting an example for all Rotarians to follow.