Help us feed the world’s hungry in partnership with RISE AGAINST HUNGER, 300 of your friends and neighbors, members of 4 Rotary Clubs, and over 100 employees from Anika Therapeutics and BAE Systems on  Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Middlesex Community College in Bedford.

It is a joyous event with hundreds of people working together to make it all happen.  Join us on Saturday, April 27, for one of two shifts – 9:00 to 11:00 AM or 12:00 to 2:00 PM.  Or, if you can, come at 9:00 and stay until 2:00.  Register at

This year, through contributions and fundraisers, the Bedford Rotary, will raise $17,000 to package 50,000 meals – bringing the total meals packaged over 7 years to nearly 420,000 meals – well on our way to half a million meals for the world’s most vulnerable populations!

Also, on Saturday, April 27, the day of the meal-packaging event, the Bedford Rotary will be collecting items for the MCC Food Pantry.  Over 40% of MCC students often go hungry with no idea from where their next meal will come.

Every year, participants rave about how much they enjoyed working together to package the meals.  Whole families work side-by-side with neighbors and colleagues to make this happen. This community event of camaraderie, shared effort, and generosity of spirit embodies the Rotary’s mission “to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace”.