Alex Mattson Eagle Scout Project- Construction of a fence for the Davis School Garden
Bedford TV- Video editing software to teach classes to students of all ages
BHS All Night Graduation Party- Support safe, substance-free overnight party for Class of 2024
BHS Best Buddies Club- Attend the Best Buddies Leadership Conference at Indiana University
BHS DECA Club- Attend the DECA State Competition in Boston
BHS Relay for Life Club- Sponsor bounce house, dunk tank, food supplies and craft supplies
BHS Theater Department- Support Addams Family Spring Musical
Bedford Taxation Aid Committee- Help defray real estate taxes of elderly and disabled persons
Domestic Violence Services Network (DVSN)- Computer at Bedford Police Station and Support annual fundraiser
First Church of Christ- Donation to support initiatives as a thank you for use of meeting space
Community Projects
Pints for Polio- Partnering club to support Rotary End Polio Now Campaign
SmileMASS- Support Capital Campaign to build accessible recreation facilities for persons with disabilities
International Projects
Child Welfare and Development Project (CWADeP) in Sierra Leone- Purchase learning materials and uniforms for vulnerable children
Clubfoot Society in Kenya- Fund boots project to create shoes for adults afflicted by clubfoot
Bedford Rotary Projects
Trunk or Treat- gave away Milkweed seeds to promote pollination gardens
Bicycle Safety Day- gave away 100 free bicycle helmets in conjunction with The Residence, Bedford Police Department, and Bedford Recreation Department
District Rotary Grants in conjunction with Rotary Club of Concord
Meals of Hope Meal Packaging
Mental Health Projects in Bedford, Concord, and Lowell
Global Rotary Grants
Friendly Water for the World- Building water catchment basins at rural schools in Kambiri, Kenya
Moving Health- Supporting medical transportation in rural Accra, Ghana
I would like to extend a warm thank you to the members of the 2023-2024 Board of Trustees for their dedication and thoughtful contributions: Ralph Hammond, Al Roscoe, Joel Berenson, Diana Jarvis, Tom Pinney, Joan Birmingham, and Diane Hughes.
Dawn Kociubes
Bedford Rotary Foundation Chairperson