We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who supported the Winter Community Breakfast on Deeember 10th, 2023. An extra special thanks to our sponsors: The Debbie Spencer Group, our platinum sponsor who sponsored a winter-themed photo booth, and Middlesex Savings Bank (gold level) who sponsored the ever-adorable photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Not to forget our Silver sponsors who all had activity tables at the event: Bedford Family Lawyer, Chestnut Dental, Mimi & Diane of Barrett Sothbys and the Residence at Bedford.
Of course we can't forget our community partners and volunteers who were crucial to the success of the event - shout out to BFC, BEST, Parents Diversity Council, POMS, the Rotary Club of Concord and the many, many volunteers, Interactors and otherwise.
Finally, a special thank you to our community who attended the event - we hope you all had an amazing time! Read more about the event in The Bedford Citizen